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Timeline Eris

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The following text explains the timeline of the CEV Eris universe with all important events described briefly with very important events highlighted in bold.

This is how we got here.

  • 2070 - Exodus from Earth started
  • 2073 - Nanotrasen is founded
  • 2079 - Russian ark ships escape Earth using Kursalin drives
  • 2094 - First bluespace teleportation performed
  • 2095 - Scandinavian arc ships arrive at Pluto. Foundation of Northern Constellation Primarchy
  • 2098 - Founding of Technocracy
  • 2152 - Saturn Wars
  • 2173 - The New Man Doctrine and Technocracy civil war
  • 2178 - Technomancy Clan doctrine created and Clan of the Eternal Engine rises as non-formal leader of anarchist revolutionaries.
  • 2190 - Technomancer inner revolutionaries conflict, destruction of the Clan of the Eternal Engine, Empress and the Court Clan take control.
  • 2191 - Collapse of Technocracy
  • 2192 - End of Saturn Wars, Revolutionary government surrenders all territory and escapes to the Danube Sector. Excelsior Seditionists move to Gagarin Sector
  • 2238 - Eio Incident. Full-scale war between One Star and the Northern Constellation.
  • 2240 - Destruction of Pluto, eradication of Northern Constellation.
  • 2257 - One Star golden age, displaced population massively leaves Sol Sector
  • 2272 - Vietnamese ark ships arrive at Chunach Sector
  • 2281 - One Star civil war, massive wave of refugees out of Sol Sector
  • 2283 - Arrival of Northern Constellation remnants in Hansa Sector. Creation of Northern Primarchy
  • 2291 - Massive psionic cataclysm causes One Star to collapse
  • 2300 - Balkan Armada arrives at Danube Sector
  • 2301 - Technomancers League arrives at Danube Sector
  • 2302 - War for Primacy between Technomancers League and Balkan Armada
  • 2304 - Treaty of Mutual Understanding and end of War of Primacy: Complete Neutrality established between Balkan Armada and the Technomancers League. Unrest and mutiny tears Balkan internal leadership apart.
  • 2305 - Collapse of Balkan Armada into warlord states.
  • 2311 - Nanotrasen seed ships arrive to New Rome in Hansa Sector
  • 2327 - Proclamation of Dai’s Social Mandate
  • 2342 - First petty Polish Kingdoms rise into prominence in Warminia Sector
  • 2368 - Bankruptcy of Northern Primarchy.
  • 2369 - Jamesons Gambit. Nanotrasen completes the total buyout of Northern Primarchy assets and annexes it into its territory.
  • 2375 - Foundation of Oberth
  • 2388 - Mining Crisis: Border Hostilities between Oberth and Dai Social Mandate
  • 2389 - War between Oberth and Dai Social Mandate
  • 2394 - Intervention of Nanotrasen. Neutral zone of Flaming Pulsar established between Oberth and Dai Social Mandate
  • 2411 - Bulgarian Government proclaims Pan-Danubian manifesto
  • 2421 - First Successful Man Machine Integration test in Nanotrasen.
  • 2426 - Technomancers League performs first matter compression experiment.
  • 2454 - Wars of Danubian Unification
  • 2459 - Pulsars Break: Second War Between Oberth and Dai Social Mandate
  • 2463 - Second Nanotrasen Intervention. Complete Demilitarization of Oberth Republic
  • 2468 - Nowopolska insurgency in Petty Kingdom of Małolzie
  • 2470 - Nowopolska insurgency victorious, proclamation of the Malolzian Heartstars
  • 2473 - End of Danubian Unification wars. Bulgarian Government emerges victorious and consolidates power.
  • 2474 - Proclamation of Danube Confederation
  • 2480 - Complete Corporate dominance. Beginning of Nanotrasen golden age.
  • 2484 - Warminian Hotpot: Malolzian Heartstars begin unification of Warminian Sector
  • 2487 - Terror Attack on Nanotrasen HQ: First occurence of Founders
  • 2495 - Syndicate of Corporations is formed.
  • 2500 - Founders come into power on Courluçon, complete severance of trade with Nanotrasen
  • 2501 - Famine on Courluçon. Invasion of the Nanotrasen and toppling of the Courluçon Government.
  • 2511 - Formation of the Defensive Prosperity coalition between Danube Confederation and Technomancers League
  • 2517 - Sect of Malolzian Fundamentalists destroy Nanotrasens AI Research center on Neo-Baltimore
  • 2522 - Syndicate Summit bombed by Excelsior Terrorists.
  • 2532 - Start of Trade Conflict between Syndicate and Nanotrasen
  • 2538 - First Star Re-emerges in Null Sector
  • 2549 - Great Rip fiscal crisis in Nanotrasen.
  • 2553 - Bloody Monday incident. Half of the Nanotrasen Corporate board vaporized. Start of Corporate Wars
  • 2555 - Syndicate Mercenaries unify into Ironhammer Brigade
  • 2557 - End of Warminian Hotpot: Proclamation of Galpolkan Tribunal
  • 2560 - Defensive Prosperity coalition intervenes in Corporate Wars
  • 2562 - First battle of Sich Prime
  • 2568 - Annihilation of Vladivostok Megashipyard. Destruction and fragmentation of the Rusted Engine clan.
  • 2570 - Battle of Calera. Syndicate Forces destroy Nanotrasen's main biolab facilities.
  • 2576 - Destruction of Neo Sofia. Danubian Confederation government fragments.
  • 2577 - Danubian Confederation collapses into warlord states.
  • 2580 - Razing of New Rome
  • 2581 - Formation of the cult of Neotheology
  • 2582 - Seventh battle of Sich Prime
  • 2584 - End of the Corporate Wars and Establishment of Hansa
  • 2585 - Dai Social Mandate invades Hansa
  • 2587 - Total defeat and demilitarization of Dai Social Mandate. Beginning of the Ironhammer occupation of Chunach Sector
  • 2588 - Serbian Government rises among the Danubian anarchy
  • 2590 - Nanotrasen Remnants transform into Church of Neotheology
  • 2597 - Declaration of the Human Purity doctrine by Galpolkan Tribunal
  • 2612 - Collapse of Oberth
  • 2622 - Psychic field guarding old One Star territories recedes, allowing exploration.
  • 2634 - Corporate dystopia in Oberth
  • 2642 - CEV Eris expedition

Archived Timeline Articles

Waiting until rewrite.