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История и Лор

Материал из Celadon | Wiki Eris
Версия от 00:08, 21 августа 2024; MrCat (обсуждение | вклад) (Это что, лор? да, это лор, но не переведенный)
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Deep beneath the bowels of sprawling arcologies, humanity had finally been subdued under the greedy hand of corporations. The colonized systems no longer glitter in the light of promise and progress. Humanity now waddles among the crowded streets, pollution, and a lingering memory of the distant war most horrific. The Golden Lich of Nanotrasen lies slain, and his skull now decorates the hammer of the self-proclaimed god of war. The golden age of humanity and technology had ended in a dragged-out inferno of Corporate Wars, leaving behind mass loss of life, wealth, and technology, and a way of life that doesn’t seem much better than what was before. The corporate gods of Hansa didn’t make good on their promises, instead submerging into a deep slumber of infighting, plotting, sabotage, and interstellar politics. Desperately clinging to their power and once noble intentions while their underlings expand, consume, assimilate, and exploit the once proud human race.

Where propaganda once fed human spirits with new exciting inventions, now it torments them with the dangers of technology. Every single day a new story comes up of the filth-ridden communists committing terror attacks against loyal consumer base or crazed planet-worshipping nationalists abducting colonist ships, interrupted only by the product and services commercials and landfill of celebrity stories.

Where there were once proud shimmering spires of Nanotrasen that scraped the clouds most high, now ruins remain. They wait until a slowly progressing blob of neons and corporate culture ultimately reaches them and consumes the memory of old civilization in a so-called restoration effort. For the prize of ultimate recognition, they contend with the paradise domes of an enigmatic cult or sprawling shanty towns of anarchist engineer tribes suffering in their planet-stranded agony. However, this change is rapid and stagnant at the same; while loathed by many, it was welcomed by many more, as the prospects of technology-driven catastrophe and absolute monopoly seemed even worse.

An opportunity, however, had arisen to accelerate humanity towards better course, as the long-forgotten graveyard of a super-advanced civilization had opened its borders to the public. Beneath the entropic cloud; are wonders, technology, wealth, and personal growth beyond comprehension. It invites all ready to undertake its trials, regardless of societal status, culture, or religion. It offers the same prize to all. A power to shape the future of distraught mankind.

Welcome Aboard.
