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Captain Eris

Материал из Celadon | Wiki Eris
Версия от 00:28, 21 августа 2024; MrCat (обсуждение | вклад) (Вот типа так надо сделать по всем 36 статьям.... Смэрть...)
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Difficulty: Very Hard
Superior: None
Duties: Lead your expedition to a discovery of glory, riches, or disaster.
Guides: The Agreement, Enforcement Guide, Guide to SuperMatter, Guide to Banking


Captain - The most important crew member on the ship CEV "Eris". He is a representative of the Asters' Guild (as is the Merchant and First Officer), and has enormous influence as an example of an ideal administrator and coordinator. It was under his direction that CEV "Eris" was rebuilt from a prison ship to a modern research vessel for dangerous expeditions.


Before selecting this role, it is highly recommended that you read and understand The Agreement, as it is the underlying context of the ship. Failure to do so invariably leads to a short and painful tenure in this role.


As Captain, your job is to set the function and direction of the ship and it's crew (preferably a productive and profitable one). As such it is recommended that on waking that you get into contact with the available heads of the various factions and let them know of your intentions in a clear manner.

The Heads of Staff are your main support and key asset, being your intermediaries in communication with the crew, and you should make sure that they trust you and vice-versa. If a Head is incompetent or you suspect them of being a hazard to your ship, you are free to hold a vote to replace them - the other Heads of Staff are NOT your employees (barring the First Officer) and do not have to obey you. Think twice before circumventing the removal procedure of a Head, especially without cause, as it can create a rebellion from, not only those loyal to the former Head, but the other Heads of Staff as well. You are only a single man, if your power wanes - so will your crew's loyalty

Keep in mind that your character, the Captain, is a highly educated person and an honorary member of the Asters guild. Behave yourself, give thoughtful commands, without any "a-let's-thrust-it-in-gibber", and other absolutely crazy instructions. Do not forget that such a crazy person could not have come so far. You personally own this ship, all debt aside; you are not a corporate lackey manager assigned to it by a board of directors, you are a successful businessman taking on a new, risky venture. Remember this when speaking to others.

Also, you should be attentive to complaints of ordinary crew members and the overall situation on the ship. Your inaction may be what causes irreparable damage to the ship, or a general revolt by the crew, more than any of your heads. You should always be one step ahead of your potential detractors who will watch silently to see how to depose you. Not every job can be easily delegated, and though you are paying the crew, you may have to take action into your own hands to keep everything afloat.

However, feel free to discuss something with the heads and ask them for advice. Sometimes it can really save the day. Periodically go and check with the departments to personally evaluate their activities. You should not sit on the bridge or in the cabin for the whole round, fearing for your card with full access - for one, there is a gun in your locker for a reason, and for another, personal oversight can make your staff more likely to stay in their own workstations instead of wander aimlessly through the tunnels. Moreover, when your subordinates see that you personally keep everything in control, your authority in their eyes can grow.


  • Do not attempt to fix all problems immediately and personally - prioritize and delegate tasks where possible. Some problems stem from others, such as a disorderly section being the result of an incompetent Head. Replacing that Head with a more competent underling could potentially bring the section back into line as the new Head sets a better example for the crew.
  • If the First Officer is slacking off away from their desk remind them that their job is to be the right hand that manages to make your orders possible. Have them negotiate and oversee a construction project or herd the vagabonds in a more productive direction.
  • It would not hurt to personally inspect the brig to make sure that the Ironhammer Lieutenant did not turn it into a death camp and that the prisoners have food and no dangerous items. Commandeer Ironhammer Operatives if there need to be more guards than the group the the Lieutenant has already assigned, granting additional access where necessary.
  • As a rule, special instructions for the heads of Moebius and Technomancers are not required. Just remind them that they are responsible for all the actions of their subordinates. But you can come back with an inspection after some time to check the functionality of the departments and the execution of the instructions given by you.
  • Order the AI ​​to report all violations of the law at the station, report the names of victims and suspects, if any. Report all accidents at the station. Lock all unused external airlocks, Incinerator, AI Upload, Storage and Crematory.
  • You have two bank accounts; your default one receives no salary and starts with 0 credits, but your departmental account starts with 2 million credits and pays Ironhammer and Technomancers. It may be necessary to use this account to keep the ship functioning (such as replacement in the case of delaminating engine, or arming the crew against Serbians.) Be careful to not withdraw too much, because one missed paycheck will likely make your security staff want to remove you - inversely, well-applied money can buy loyalty from Vagabonds or other crew in the case of Ironhammer being compromised by shapeshifters or saboteurs. Account information can be found in notes as always.
  • Remember that your all-access extends to the computer systems as well, and you may be the only one in the position to change ID access, or more importantly, activate the shield systems when meteors threaten the ship. It would be prudent to keep a laptop on yourself at all times, or at least the tablet that can be found inside of your office.

Command Ironhammer Crew Sided Moebius Sci Moebius Med Antagonist Technomancers Asters Guild NeoTheology Civilian
Captain Ironhammer
Ironhammer Marshal Moebius
Expedition Overseer
Biolab Officer
Contractor Technomancer
Gunnery Sergeant
Serbian Mercenary Technomancer Guild
Neotheology Acolyte Club
Excelsior Infiltrator Guild
Neotheology Agrolyte Club
Medical Specialist
Neotheology Inquisitor Neotheology Custodian Club Artist
Blitzshell Assault Drone
Cortical Borer

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